Focus Areas
Senior care asks a lot of people. It demands a caring spirit and a passion for service. It requires an openness to growing demands and a commitment to creating uplifting experiences with every interaction. That’s why every Senior Care community needs a high level of expert support. A team that can streamline processes, boost performance, improve efficiency and truly connect with Seniors. A team like Sodexo.

Making mealtimes the best
For many seniors, mealtime is the highlight of the day. They look forward to eating nutritious, locally-sourced food, prepared by expert chefs. And they want to be offered choices that take note of their dietary needs. They’re always well served by Sodexo.

A focus on comfort, safety and wellness
Designing a Senior Care community raises a lot of questions. Is getting around easy? How accessible is everything? Is it wheelchair-friendly? Creating an attractive, functional Senior Care environment takes expertise. And we have more than most.

It takes a community
Seniors enjoy life more when they’re part of a community. They want to have easy access to everything from fitness sessions and spa services to private transport and wellness programs. We’re all about fostering their independence.

Home help for seniors
Receiving care at home is comforting for the elderly. With quality home help from Active Global, a member of the Sodexo Group specialising in home and community care for seniors, they now have the option to heal in their most familiar space. This is also in line with government calls to strengthen such care options for the elderly. From personal care to companionship, Sodexo delivers excellence.