China Awards
Sodexo is regularly awarded prizes and recognition for its initiatives in a variety of areas ranging from services to human resources and environmental protection.

2020 Top 10 Innovative Brand of Catering Enterprise
At the "2020 Group Catering Brand Selection" held by Tuan Can Mou(团餐谋), a group catering industry media in China, Sodexo standed out with its professional catering capabilities, independent research and development team as well as the innovative food service, winning the award of “2020 Top 10 Innovative Brand of Catering Enterprise”.

Top 20 Group Meal Enterprises in China
Sodexo was listed among "2013's Top 20 Group Meal Enterprises in China" by China Cuisine Association, an honor to Sodexo for its contribution in group meal services.

TOP 50 Service Outsourcing Providers in China
Sodexo was included in the “TOP 50 Service Outsourcing Providers in China 2010”, and ranked # 1 in its category – Food and Facilities Management Services.
Top 16 Collective Foodservice Enterprises in China
Sodexo topped the list of “2010 Top 16 Collective Foodservice Enterprises in China.”
Sodexo Group

Dow Jones Sustainability Index
For the 17th consecutive year, Sodexo has been ranked as one of the top-rated companies of the Restaurants & Leisure Facilities on the S&P Global Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. Sodexo obtains the best score in the "Restaurants and Leisure Facilities" sector, with a score of 75 out of 100 (up 2 points compared to 2020), assessing the sustainability of the company.

CDP (formely Carbon Disclosure Project)
Since 2009, Sodexo completed the CDP annual request for information. This year, Sodexo received a “B” score. Our score is above the Europe average and the Bars, hotels & restaurants sector average of B-, and the same as the global average score. This recognition demonstrates key progress on our carbon strategy.

EcoVadis is a collaborative platform used to evaluate Corporate Responsibility performance. The assessment covers Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement dimensions. In 2020, Sodexo has been awarded with a platinum rating. This places us in the top 1% of companies.

EWOB Gender Diversity Index
Sodexo is among the Best Practice Leaders of the 2019 EWOB Gender Diversity Index (Sodexo = N°3). The EWOB Gender Diversity Index (EWOB GDI) is the first wide-scale study of gender diversity within the European STOXX 600 companies’ executive and decision-making bodies.